Joseph with Nuk

Here is Joseph’s first new toy– a nuk!

Diaper Time

Joseph just got a fresh diaper. Look at those little feet!

Where he was born

On the 22nd floor of Nix Medical Center was Joseph’s first home. The hospital was built in 1930 and is located right on the Riverwalk in downtown San Antonio.

Joseph’s Footprint

Look at this footprint…Note the 2002 penny for scale.

Sleeping Angel

Baby Joseph sound asleep after a light meal of formula followed by a healthy burp.

Full of Hair

Can’t help but fall in love with this one. Look at his big beautiful eyes and his thick head of hair.

Joseph and Dad

In one of his rare awake appearances, Joseph keeps making eyes at dad.

Joseph Sleeping

Look at this handsome baby with all of his hair. He alway sleeps with his hands tucked under is chin.

Jen and Joseph

Can’t help but smile when you are holding this bundle of joy.

Ana and Joseph

Joseph being held by one of his favorite people in the world… his mom Ana.

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