After Breakfast

Both Mom and Joseph are having fun after breakfast.

The Csidas and Joseph

Jason and Vicki are our first friends to meet Joseph. A special thanks goes out to them for letting the Baslers stay at their house.

Relaxing With Dad

Joseph and Dad find some time to kick back and relax.

Changing Channels

Joseph decided to flip through the channels while Mom and Dad were packing for their trip back home.

The Basler Family

The Basler Family’s first new photo since Joseph became the youngest member.

Great-Grandma’s Quilt

Here is Joseph fast asleep on the quilt that was made by his Great-grandma Garibaldi.

New Duds

Joseph is already collecting cars just like his Grandpa Garibaldi and Uncle Tom.

First Ride

He looks pretty tiny in his carseat… doesn’t he?

Bottle Time

Time for some more delicious formula. Burps to follow guaranteed!

Looking Around

He always spends about an hour after feeding looking around.

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